Below are some of the presentations given at the 2013 Institute for Food Safety and Health (IFSH) Annual Meeting. Some of these files are large and can take a minute or two to appear.
Sprout Specific Presentations
Evaluation of Commercial Test Kits for Detection of Salmonella in Alfalfa Sprout
Spent Irrigation Water (Day 2)
Proposed Rules under FSMA and CFSAN Update (Day 1)
Day 1 Presentations
Current Issues in Chemical Contaminants in Food
Proposed Rules to Help Ensure the Safety of Imported Food
Preventive Controls and Supplier Verification: Compliance Challenges
Day 2 Presentations
Authenticating Foods and Detecting Food Adulterants
Partnership for Food Safety Education
Inactivation of Clostridium botulinum spores using high pressure processing
Methods for Authentication of Skim Milk Powder and Fruit Juice Ingredients
We hope you enjoyed the presentations.
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