“The Role of Sprouts in Human Nutrition” by Melynda Marton is an extensive and well documented review of studies which analyze the chemical composition of different types of sprouts and measure their effect on human health. The experiments and studies deal with a wide variety of sprouts—broccoli sprouts, radish sprouts, soybean sprouts, wheat sprouts, alfalfa sprouts, pea sprouts and fenugreek sprouts.
An entire section of the article deals with the anti-cancer effect of sprouts. Experiments indicate that the consumption of broccoli sprouts and other sprouts in the Brassica family are connected with a reduction of cancer.
The article also reviews experiments involving the growing of sprouts in ways that produce an abundance of particular nutrients. There is an extensive discussion of methods of producing sprouts with particularly high selenium content for populations which don’t get enough selenium.
In an experiment peanuts were sprouted in high humidity to produce high levels of resveratrol. Resveratrol is one of the phytoalexins that were widely analyzed and that are considered as potentially bioactive phytochemicals in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, inflammations, aging and cancer.
The above are just a few of the studies and experiments discussed and documented in this article. Click here to read, save or download the full article.