Thank you for registering for the upcoming Indoor Ag-Con and ISGA Convention! We’re excited to have you join us in Las Vegas!

Please read this entire page so that you don’t miss out on anything!

Since 1989, the International Sprout Growers Association (ISGA) has been the global voice for sprout growers, promoting industry collaboration and food safety. This year, we’re teaming up with Indoor Ag-Con, the leading trade show for Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA), bringing together professionals in vertical farming, greenhouse production, and sustainable agriculture.

As the Indoor Ag-Con is a huge event, we want to ensure that our sprout family stays connected and supported. To maintain that intimate, close-knit atmosphere, we’ve designed a few special events and sponsorship opportunities just for you.

Please fill out the following registration form so we can prepare accordingly:

Why Sponsor?

Your sponsorship provides unmatched exposure to a diverse, global audience of sprout growers, suppliers, distributors, researchers, and industry leaders. Help shape the future of sprouting while gaining premium visibility!

Sponsorship Opportunities

  • Hospitality Suite Sponsor– Networking & social hub
  • Sprout Brunch Sponsor– Exclusive industry gathering
  • Sprout Gala at Carmine’s Sponsor– Prestigious evening event

Trade Booth – Showcase your brand & connect


Platinum $2.5k

  • Full page ad in the Convention program
  • Half page description of your company in the Convention program
  • Your Company’s Logo on the ISGA Convention Webpage
  • Two tickets to the Wednesday night dinner

Gold - $2k

  • Half page ad in the Convention program
  • One quarter page description of your company in the Convention program
  • Your Company’s Logo on the ISGA Convention webpage
  • One ticket to the Wednesday night dinner

Silver - $1k

  • Your Company’s Logo in the Convention program
  • Your Company’s Logo on the ISGA Convention webpage
  • Quarter page description of your company in the Convention program

Bronze - $500

  • Your Company’s Logo in the Convention program
  • Quarter page description of your company in the Convention program

Friend - $200

  • Your Company’s Logo in the Convention program